Kelly Ball: the internet is to the world wide web as Batman is to spiderman. ; )

Paulo Friere: deconstructing the power structure banking model of education. Social media is Frierian, breaks down power structures between “expert” and “learner”, both are both. Each are both, both are each. (yes and)

Internet is the connectivity that the web rests on.

Tim Burners Lee, wrote and released the code (HTML), which changed everything.

Understand the value of owning your own space vs participating in a third party system (like facebook, twitter, google, instagram…) (you write it, they own it)

Hashtag # funtion: Turns a word into code. (also becomes a social code)


“marked” MBA; WMBA


Senior students have come together for the first meeting of their independent book group. They chose as a group to read: A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James.


A Brief History of Seven Killings is the third novel by Jamaican author Marlon James.[1] The novel spans several decades and explores the attempted assassination of Bob Marley in Jamaica in 1976 and its aftermath through the crack wars in New York City in the 1980s and a changed Jamaica in the 1990s.[3]


It’s not brief–700 pages.

The students are perturbed:

-If I don’t read enough black on black crime, and you want me to read this? People talking about Treyvon Martin and now I have to read this?

-Reaper, burns a building down, then stands outside and shoots the people coming out. Y’all want me to read this?

-Amy: all these crimes are brought up in a broader context–within the history of Jamaica. Russia, Cube, US–there are global forces at work, white forces, having influence and power over this neighborhood

-broader forces but also violence in the ghetto. Structure of the community where there’s black on black violence is because of a history of white power. Why do neighborhoods like this exist?

Reading historically–black on black, the house slaves against the field slaves. The inner violence is helpful to the oppressor. You see it everywhere.

mention of: Z. N. Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Where did the violence start? It didn’t just suddenly show up. What’s carried over?

Discussion on strange language, hard to follow “why don’t they speak plain english”

Amy: I like to read cross culturally bc it reminds me there’s a whole other world–so maybe to reframe instead of feeling mad. You could be humbled. A world that’s not me/mine.

Amy: Look at female character and where she finds her power–at the edges. What happens? How are decisions made when people are high?

I appreciated the writing from dead person’s perspective. It gave me insight. Maybe this is too personal, but I’ve been raped a few times, and I always wanted to know what the rapist was thinking. When he said “wipe that smile of the face” I never would’ve know that if I hadn’t known this.

Tony Morrison: God help the child

Prison gang, ghost-face vs. bloods; click up–you’re in for life (or death)

tatoos on the heart


Jessica’s addition: ethnography/ detroit varied living communities, John Hartigan

{show them Nikki S. Lee?}

changing conomic disparity would lead to better race relations; socio economic more impt than race;


the mayor who hired mimes to change the percentage of people hit by cars. They mocked jwalkers with playful cards. traffic accidents of people went down 65%.

Mission: to reduce recidivism, provide effective healthcare, education and programming

95% of inmates will return to the community: “returning citizens”
violent offenders stay

there are transition centers: metro and atlanta, to prepare returning citizens to re enter and to go home.

Opportunities for restoration

creating opportunities for returning citizens to be: restored ; transformed ; empowered ; and changed

teach the skill sets needed to make good decisions

guild price in ourselves and our agency

3,000 monthly volunteers

New Orleans Baptist Theological is an accredited educational system run by Philip State Prison (degree in theology)

there are faith and character based dorms (they are secular), provide choices for alternatives to criminal activity to address mind/body/spirit

History: Georgia – 4th largest prison population. $20k/year to house a prisoner. $90k/year to house a juvenile.

From three strikes you’re out–GA reform has changed the climate

looking for “high impact” volunteers (mentors/GED training/parenting/counseling)

justice reinvestment / restorative justice / retributive justice

GA using evidence based approach, using research to reduce recidivism.

games offenders play: be assertive, be aware of verbal and non verbal (no scents); document any attempt at manipulation; understand strengths and weakneses; offenders see themselves as victims; be transparent, everything out in the open; ask chaplain or securit officer

volunteers are connected to the community. We send a message that we want the inmates to be successful. Bring passion. Mean what you say, be respectful. Dont’ probe.

Prison Rape elimination act (prea):

report: unusual conduct w/offender; be professional; attitude; appearance; type of conversation


profil: bargaining; religion; hope for sentence reduction; depression


Digital pedagogy and humanities increases “discoverability” across platforms.

Education changes with technology so that it is not just for the Academy, but bleeds across borders, becomes publically accessible.

Increasing discoverability is a public good.

We don’t form knowledge to hoard it.
{gift economy}

Traditionally, the more difficult it is to get into a journal, the higher its perceived value. Is this funky? What does all access publication do to the jurying of knowledge?

Fear about changing the scholarship because we may not understand the new markers of success. Success is less well defined (and less elitist?).

Requires voice flexibility: how can you speak to both an informed and uninformed audience?

Is knowledge that is not public is not knowledge?

SO: what if we engage with the public not as masters, but as a form of inquiry? This is like being an artist, you make, you show, the critics speak, you respond…

The creative process: make a mark, sit back and look at it, see what else it has to say to you, make a responsive mark, show it, analyze publicly, make another piece, repeat forever. The process of engaging human faculties as a grown up.

Not knowing and offering mastery, but knowing and offering inquiry. cool idea.


You publish not as master of all, but as author of your voice, and are reviewed / responded to like Greene Rausch–it becomes an exchange

call and response

change of established power structure (uh, this is radical)

not power over, but power within.




Projects portal?

how to best tell people about the ideas of anything? Can we revitalize profile for 21c education? Can it be faculty and student driven? (not just for students?) can we combine/tag and categorize news so people can see what is relevant to them? Is this something for portal?

For CDVL, what about making a beautiful broadsheet? ONce a week? on newsprint, make it well-designed, hand out events for people to pick up, distribute in lunchroom? (and around)
