PREA prison rate and elimination act (volunteer training)

PREA prison rate and elimination act (volunteer training)

Mission: to reduce recidivism, provide effective healthcare, education and programming

95% of inmates will return to the community: “returning citizens”
violent offenders stay

there are transition centers: metro and atlanta, to prepare returning citizens to re enter and to go home.

Opportunities for restoration

creating opportunities for returning citizens to be: restored ; transformed ; empowered ; and changed

teach the skill sets needed to make good decisions

guild price in ourselves and our agency

3,000 monthly volunteers

New Orleans Baptist Theological is an accredited educational system run by Philip State Prison (degree in theology)

there are faith and character based dorms (they are secular), provide choices for alternatives to criminal activity to address mind/body/spirit

History: Georgia – 4th largest prison population. $20k/year to house a prisoner. $90k/year to house a juvenile.

From three strikes you’re out–GA reform has changed the climate

looking for “high impact” volunteers (mentors/GED training/parenting/counseling)

justice reinvestment / restorative justice / retributive justice

GA using evidence based approach, using research to reduce recidivism.

games offenders play: be assertive, be aware of verbal and non verbal (no scents); document any attempt at manipulation; understand strengths and weakneses; offenders see themselves as victims; be transparent, everything out in the open; ask chaplain or securit officer

volunteers are connected to the community. We send a message that we want the inmates to be successful. Bring passion. Mean what you say, be respectful. Dont’ probe.

Prison Rape elimination act (prea):

report: unusual conduct w/offender; be professional; attitude; appearance; type of conversation


profil: bargaining; religion; hope for sentence reduction; depression


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